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PTO Committee Descriptions

PTO Committee Descriptions

There are so many ways to get involved at school through the PTO…some big, some small, but ALL participation is important! The following provides a description of each committee. The committees are listed below in alphabetical order. If you have an interest in assisting with a particular committee, please contact the Committee Chair or the PTO Board Member who is responsible for the committee. Please see PTO Chairperson Information for a chair list.

After-school Programs

This committee provides fun, age-appropriate after-school programs in the Fall and Spring for approximately four weeks each. The committee selects programs offered for elementary school-age children in the region. All programs are held at Richland Elementary School immediately after school


Art Explorers

Art Explorers is a parent volunteer-based educational program that exposes children to famous artists and their artworks.  Most presentations will last 45 minutes to an hour and there are two lessons per grade. The presentation will lead the class through an exploratory look at 1 to 2 artists and a famous piece of his/her artwork. The students will then create their own piece of artwork. Each presentation has a particular theme, such as Still Life, Non Objective Art, Landscapes etc. This year all of the lesson plans will be online for each volunteer to access. There will be grade and project labeled black portfolios in the workroom that will be equipped with the lesson plan, your project materials list and the poster reproductions. In the workroom located at the end of the cafeteria hallway, there will also be a bin of all of the art supplies that will be shared throughout this program. Each lesson per grade has already been completed for the volunteers and will only require an hour at the most of prep time and review. The volunteers will be given a period of time in which they will need to present the assigned lesson to their class. The volunteers will work with the teachers and the art explorer grade level coordinators to determine the date of their presentation. At the end of each lesson, all of the material will need to be cleaned and promptly returned to the workroom and the projects can be hung on the designated bulletin boards in the hallways. Volunteers Click Here for grade-level presentations and lesson plans.  

Book Fair

The PTO sponsors two Scholastic Book Fairs in the Fall and Spring to offer books to our students. Proceeds are used to purchase books for the Richland Elementary School Library and teachers’ libraries within their classrooms. Volunteers are needed to set-up/take down the book fair structure, assist students in selecting age appropriate books and to manage the checkout process, including running the cash registers. 

Community Outreach

Community Outreach will participate in 3 major projects during the school year to support local charities. Volunteers on this committee solicit needed items and make arrangements to deliver them to the sponsored charities. In addition, this group will help support any ad-hoc events approved by the RES PTO or the PR School District. 

Our events are as follows:

  • Stuff a Bus
  • 100th Day of School Food Drive
  • Turkey Fund


As a service to the Richland Elementary School students and their families, the PTO publishes a school directory. At the beginning of the school year, this committee collects information that the parents/guardian’s wish to be included in the directory, such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Volunteers compile the data, submit formatted file to school district copy department and disseminate copies for each student to the classrooms.


Family Social

The PTO sponsors family night events throughout the year. These events are wonderful opportunities for families and students to meet and socialize. This committee will plan and coordinate the events and volunteers. The events will be announced through the Friday Flash and in the classrooms.

Field Day

Field Day is a fun-filled, outside day of activities for our students. PTO volunteers facilitate games defined and set up by the gym teacher(s). The day is broken into two sessions to accommodate the AM and PM Kindergarten schedules. Over 75 volunteers are needed to assist with the facilitation and clean-up of the event. 

Holiday Shop

The PTO sponsors a holiday shop for students to make holiday purchases for family members. This committee selects a company to provide merchandise, selects the merchandise to be sold at the shop and coordinates volunteers to assist the students with purchases, wrap purchases and run the cash registers. The shop is open during school hours for one week in December.

Homeroom Parents

Two parents from each class are needed to be the point of contact for each classroom teacher. Depending on the needs of particular teachers, they may help teachers coordinate volunteers and donations for their classrooms. Homeroom parents also relay valuable PTO information to the parents in their classes. The volunteer form for homeroom and party parents is available in the Friday Flash in August and on the PTO website. A coordinator will solicit volunteers at the beginning of the school year, assign homeroom parents and communicate with volunteers about their role as homeroom parents (this is done in conjunction with the assignment of homeroom party parents below). Click here for more information: Homeroom Coordinator Guidelines.

Homeroom Party Parents

Parents from each class are requested to organize the Halloween, Holiday and Valentine's Parties. The volunteer form for homeroom and party parents is available in the Friday Flash in August and on the PTO website. A coordinator will solicit volunteers at the beginning of the school year, assign party parents and communicate with volunteers about their role as party parents (this is done in conjunction with the assignment of homeroom parents above).  Click here for more information: Party Parent Guidelines.

Mileage Club

Each spring, during April and May, the PTO sponsors the Mileage Club. Students who participate walk or run laps on the Richland track during recess to promote health and exercise. Two volunteers punch each student’s mileage card to keep track of the number of laps s/he has completed. Students earn a “toe token” for each card that is fully punched.

Original Artworks

The Original Artworks Committee offers students the opportunity to turn a piece of artwork (done in art class) into a masterpiece! Student artwork can be transposed onto mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts, note cards, etc. which are available for purchase. These items make great gifts. Volunteers promote the program, collect and tally orders, and distribute the items to students and their families.

Spirit Wear Sale

Our sportswear committee offers Rams sportswear logo products for Richland families to purchase twice a year to show their school pride or gift to others! The committee chooses a vendor and apparel to advertise for sale. Volunteers advertise the sale dates, collect and total orders, and distribute merchandise when it is delivered.

Staff Appreciation Fall Breakfast

The PTO provides breakfast for the staff prior to the start of school. The committee plans the menu and reserves space, sends out invitations, contacts families to donate food for the event, and facilitates the actual event.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

The PTO provides the teachers and staff with a luncheon during teacher appreciation week as a thank you for all their hard work during the school year for the students. This committee selects the menu, reserves space, decorates, enlists families to donate food, and assists with the execution of the event.

Summer Reading Program 

Relax with a good book this summer! Students who choose to read, alone or with a parent/guardian, at least one book and return a project (poster, report or drawing) about it will receive a surprise in the fall when we return to school. Posters will be displayed in the hallways during the first few weeks of school. 

Third Grade Fun Day

In honor of our 3rd grade graduating class, an end of year celebration is organized by the PTO and teachers. This event is held at the end of the school year on the day of the Year End Picnic, during school hours.

Third Grade Science Fair 

Third-grade students will be given the opportunity to voluntarily participate and complete a science project, at home. Introductory material will be presented to students at school and reference material available to students and parents to assist in the process. Projects will be brought to school and displayed during Spring Open House.


Join the yearbook committee and help give the students memories to last a lifetime.  The yearbook committee works to create and sell yearbooks to the students at Richland Elementary.  Committee members will take grade-level pictures from September to April, orchestrate the sale of the yearbook, and work with Lifetouch to create a quality, memory-driven product that the students will have forever.  The committee consists of co-chairs responsible for direct contact with Lifetouch and overseeing the whole project from conception to distribution, and grade level photographers responsible for catching all the special moments.