Car Rider Procedures
August 2024 Update
For those of you who were here last year, we will maintain the same traffic pattern and process with the students being called to the auditorium at 3:45pm and the first student out the door around 3:50pm. Our final early dismissal through the office will be at 3:20pm. All other students will be picked up in the car rider line.
For those of you who are new, or need a refresher, please click HERE to open up an aerial view of the building and parking lots, which will help you to see how that traffic pattern moves around the building safely for car riders at morning drop off and afternoon pick up. This only applies for drop off at 9:00am and pick up at 3:45pm. For kindergarten pick up at 12pm and drop off at 1:00pm, you will follow the procedures communicated by your child’s kindergarten teacher, in the front of the building. You are required to remain in the side parking lot until the staff member comes out and prompts the line to move to the grass line by the auditorium (spots A, B, C, D, E, F). This will keep Faith Way a clear path in the morning and afternoon until we are ready for the traffic to move. That means in the morning and afternoon, there should be no cars on Faith Way by the auditorium entrance until a staff member indicates it is time to do so.
How do we know who you are picking up? Please write your child’s first and last name in very large, bold print and hang this sign (click HERE then make a copy if you wish to type your child’s name - do not request access, it will be denied so the master copy remains intact) in your car in a place visible to one of our teachers or staff members who will then send the names in order of cars to a staff member who will be in the auditorium organizing the students in order to come to your vehicles. If you are sending someone other than the people listed in Sapphire who are permitted to pick up your child, you MUST let the office and teacher know as well. IF you need one of these car rider papers before Thursday morning and do not have access to a printer, you can stop by the building on 8/20 or 8/21 between 9-3, or call main office before stopping by. We will send them home with students on Thursday if needed as well.
Please complete this form HERE to let the office know that you are planning on starting your child as a car rider. You must also email the front office ( and your child’s teacher to notify them. The form will give me a gauge of the number of car riders we can anticipate next week. Responses will be accepted until Tuesday, August 21, at 8:00 pm.