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First Grade


Mrs. Bonnie Allessi

Mrs. Madeline Anderson

Mrs. Brandy Cox

Mrs. Paula Ferris

Mr. John Hackworth

Mrs. Erica Savannah

Curriculum and Textbooks

Message to Parents

PR Schools

Dear Parents,

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some of the routines in our classrooms and important information to help us all have a successful year!

Lunch/Recess: Lunch and recess will be from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm daily.

Lunch money is to be sent to school in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, room number, and lunch money. Checks should be made payable to Richland Cafeteria Fund. Check this link for more information about lunch funds and menus.

Snack: We will have a daily snack break. You should send in a small, healthy, snack daily for your child. Your teacher will notify you if your child’s classroom is nut free. Due to the board policy on food items, we are unable to provide a snack to those children who forget their daily snack. 

Communication: The first grade team will communicate through emails, notes and letters to keep you informed about the goings-on in the classroom. 

We will also send a weekly informational newsletter called the What You Need to Succeed in First Grade (WYNTS) that will give you the details on reading instructional goals, homework and any other important information for that week.

The green communication folder is to be used to send home all papers from the office and notes from your teacher. You will also use this folder to send in any items from home including lunch money and any notes for the office. Please be sure to look in this folder nightly and return it to school with your child the following day.

Homework: Reading nightly with your child is the best preparation for the school year. Homework will be used as a means to reinforce the skills taught in school. Please be sure to look in your child’s folder nightly and assist your child in establishing a successful homework routine.

Attendance: Please see the district website for guidelines here.  When entering absences into Sapphire, please inform your child’s teacher as well.

Personal Items: Please be sure to label all of your child’s personal items including book bags, lunch boxes, and coats/ sweaters with your child’s name and room number. 

The Richland First Grade Team