Principal's Message—October 18, 2024
Greetings RAM Families and Students,
This week we really focused on words and actions that are not a part of showing the RAMS Way expectations in the school building, on our buses and playground. I explicitly shared with the students that the following behaviors are NOT expected and will not be tolerated at Richland Elementary School:
- Name-calling or teasing based on a child’s name or nickname, or not calling them the correct name on purpose
- Talking negatively about people based on things they cannot control (skin color, hair, families, abilities etc.)
- Exclude others to intentionally hurt their feelings
- Using language that would be considered swearing or cursing
Throughout the week on the morning announcements, I gave students reasons why they should not do these things and how they do not help us with the positive school culture we work hard to have every day. Our goal is to have a safe, welcoming environment where all students can come to school, learn and grow. When we choose to show respect through our words and actions, we can all do that.
Thank you for reinforcing these important values and behavioral expectations at home, our partnership is valued.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Principal Rucker